Thanks to all of our spring 2020 planting volunteers

Date: 28th October 2020

This spring we have been thrilled by the number of volunteers who supported our planting days. We had record numbers of volunteers, especially at Whitechapel, where 1920 natives were in the ground before Peter could shout “BBQ is ready”!

Across our keystone sites, 350 community members spent 850 hours planting 5140 natives, with a further 2860 natives planted at our Community sites and Schools. Wow!

Morning tea was a big hit at each of the planting days, and we would like to say a very big and special thank you to Aabhi and his team at Hilton Hotel and also Alvaro and his team at Crowne Plaza, for kindly providing delicious mid morning nourishment and for also joining us planting!

But there is no resting on our laurels! The nursery is in full swing as the spring growing season is well and truly underway, and our amazing team of nursery volunteers have already pricked out 3000 wee seedlings and pottered them into V150 root trainer pots. Most of these seedlings will stay in the nursery until they are ready for planting in 2022.

As always, we shout out a HUGE thank you to every single one of our volunteers. Your efforts are restoring the biodiversity of our local environment, one plant at a time!

Posted in: Latest News