The Whakatipu Reforestation Trust is joining forces with Mana Tāhuna for a week-long series of community planting events at Slope Hill Reserve. This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to a living legacy, one of the Basin’s largest restoration projects to date.
The community is invited to attend a series of planting sessions throughout the week. The holes will be pre-dug so no digging required! Hot drinks and kai are provided at each session so all you need to bring is sunscreen, a water bottle and gardening gloves.
Please come dressed comfortably for outdoor activities. We recommend long trousers, a long sleeved shirt and a hat to protect your skin.
Location: Slope Hill Recreation Reserve with car access off Speargrass Flat Road ONLY. There’s plenty of parking available – look for the WRT flag and parking attendant in hi-viz Alternatively, travel by bike along the Countryside Trail.
Wednesday 20 March 1.00pm – 4.00pm: Visitor Industry planting session #1, in collaboration with Love Queenstown.
Thursday 21 March 9.00am – 4.00pm: Visitor Industry planting session #2, in collaboration with Love Queenstown
Communities all over the country are participating in the He Rā Rākau Tītapu – King Charles III Coronation Plantings in which New Zealanders will plant 100,000 trees to commemorate King Charles’ coronation. We have been given 7000 native plants for this event, which we’re using to create a living legacy at Slope Hill Reserve.
About Slope Hill Reserve:
The Slope Hill Recreation Reserve, between Slope Hill Road and Waiwhakaata-Lake Hayes, is a 33ha area of DOC land that has recently been retired from grazing.
Cyclists passing through on the Countryside Trail currently see the early stages of a biodiversity restoration project on a tributary leading to our wonderful Wai Whakaata-Lake Hayes, where WRT first began restoration work in 2019.
Our volunteers planted over 7,500 native riparian plants to help slow and filter the stream water and to soak up excessive nutrients – the transformation is already striking. As a tributary of Mill Creek that in turn runs into Lake Hayes, these riparian plants are now working to purify the water on its way toward the lake. Through Jobs for Nature funding, Mana Tāhuna is continuing the planting in this zone, in addition to other awesome mahi they’ve undertaken in the catchment to improve the health of the lake.
Now we are ten.
What better time to reflect on beginnings than a nice round birthday? In March we reach a full decade of restoring native biodiversity to the Whakatipu Basin. From its steep mountains to its braided rivers, this unique place once contained a mosaic of plant communities. Sadly, we have lost 90% of these indigenous plants, an alarming statistic that we hope to reverse as the Trust’s activities grow in scale.
What drives us to restore native biodiversity, is in fact, people. We want to provide opportunities for our community to understand our native ecosystems and species, and to engage with the layered stories these places share with us. A quote from Dr Colin Meurk, landscape ecologist has long influenced our work, and summarises why we seek to involve people in direct and meaningful action to restore wild nature:
“Without endemic touchstones visible to the resident [Whakatipu Basin] population on a daily basis, their appreciation of the history of their own land and identification with it will gradually atrophy.”
With each candle on the cake, we’ve made strides toward our vision of a Whakatipu Basin that hums with native plants, insects and birdlife.
We’re not just celebrating a birthday in March. Ten years has also delivered:
80,828 native trees and shrubs grown and planted
Over 70 species of indigenous plants grown, including threatened species
Plants in the ground at 70 planting sites around the Basin
18,000 plants supplied to 20 community groups
6000 plants supplied to school planting projects
More than 30,000 hours of volunteer work recorded since 2014
These numbers wouldn’t be possible without our dedicated crew of community volunteers and funding partners. There’s a lot more to our work that numbers can’t express too. Over ten years of mahi we have:
Empowered the community to take tangible action in restoring biodiversity and mitigating climate change at a local level.
Established keystone planting sites are now established. With the shrubs thickening and growing lusher each year, the difference made to the landscape is now visible.
Grown a dedicated crew of volunteers who keep the nursery operations ticking each Wednesday. Many friendships have bloomed alongside the native shrubs!
Developed Educate for Nature programmes, to grow the next generation of essential kaitiaki
Seen volunteering rise. We started with a few friends. There are now hundreds of people attending our seasonal planting days.
Encouraged local businesses to take up the opportunity to give back to nature.
Inspired other revegetation projects within communities through our work – even the establishment of small community nurseries!
It’s all pretty amazing for something that started with a conversation about beech trees and conifers. And now, as our tenth anniversary approaches, we’re looking back over the journey so far.
2013 – A place of our own
Like most great ideas, plans for the Jean Malpas Nursery started with a yarn between two old friends.
Neill Simpson, founding trustee and current Chair and Peter Willsman, Founding Chair of the Whakatipu Wilding Conifer Control Group, picked out Jardine Park as the perfect location for a community nursery dedicated to raising native beech trees. These beeches, it had been decided, could be planted in place of dead conifers around town. The QLDC Reserves Director and Mayor walked the area with Neill and Peter, and the site was agreed upon. Thanks to encouragement from the Council, and generous financial and in-kind support from many groups and individuals, the nursery was constructed and the Trust was formed with Neill Simpson, Barb Simpson, John Wilson and Hans Arnestedt as trustees. Barb and Neill could finally move all the native seedlings out of their vege garden!
2014 – A fresh vision for vegetation
With the Trust formally established, a purpose-built nursery officially opened by the Minister for the Environment and Conservation, and funding sources in place to support our initial mahi, the real growth could begin. It was time to engage the community.
The first volunteer potting session was held on 19 March 2014. Locals and visitors began joining our Wednesday sessions to pot on, prick out, weed, clean and prepare native plants for their lives out in the wild. Grasses, shrubs and other trees were now in the mix too. 800 plants, brought in from other nurseries, were put in the ground at the south end of Waiwhakaata-Lake Hayes, the Trust’s first site.
In the early days, volunteer sessions at the nursery attracted a dedicated few.
These days we see corporate volunteers, tourists and a large contingent of regulars on Wednesdays.
2015 – All hands in the ground
2015 saw our regular community planting sessions kick into gear, events that are now permanent fixtures on Queenstown’s spring and autumn calendars.
Community volunteers planted at Peace Park, Lake Hayes South, Project Gold (around Waiwhakaata-Lake Hayes) and Feehly Hill. Visitors to those sites today can see the fruits (and flowers!) of their labour.
First planting at Lake Hayes (2014)
Lake Hayes South today
2017 – New growth at the Jean Malpas Nursery
An injection of funding from the DOC Community Fund allowed us to extend the nursery and build a propagation shed. Lead propagator Helen McPhail now had a room of her own in which to store and propagate her eco-sourced seeds, and the nursery’s capacity was doubled. Thanks to the extension we can now grow over 10,000 plants each year for our sites, community groups and schools. In 2017 work also continued on the reference gardens around the nursery, a valuable educational tool. Another helpful asset arrived with the publication of Neill Simpson and Ben Teele’s Growing Native Plants in the Wakatipu, a comprehensive guide which remains an essential reference text for local landscapers and home gardeners as they select native plant species.
South Nursery Extension (2017
South Nursery today
2020 – Educate for Nature launches
Education had always been a pillar of the Trust’s purpose, and we formalised it in 2020 by developing structured learning programs to engage children with nature. With ongoing funding from ORC and our local Educate for Nature business partners, hundreds of young people in the Basin are now taking part in hands-on learning about the challenges faced by our local ecosystems.
We also began hosting Lunch and Learn sessions to deliver bite-sized environmental learning. With the events of 2020, our local environments and communities became far more important to everyone. It was no surprise to see a big jump in volunteers attending our community planting days in 2020 and 2021.
Learning in the nursery
Exploring nature through art
Shotover Wetlands School planting project
Field trip to Pigeon Island
2022 – WRT goes landscape-scale
Prior to 2022 we focused on revegetating smaller pockets of public land that will eventually form ecological corridors through the Basin. In 2022, our efforts were amplified through collaboration. With Trees That Count and Te Tapu o Tāne we delivered Queenstown’s first landscape scale community planting event on the south face of Coronet Peak, an area that sits under the Mahu Whenua covenant as part of Coronet Peak Station. Over 10,000 native trees and shrubs were planted by community members over two epic days!
In 2023, we partnered with Mana Tāhuna Charitable Trust to restore a degraded wetland at the north end of Waiwhakaata-Lake Hayes, coordinating a full week of planting days that involved schools, community, local conservation groups as well as tourism industry businesses.
Landscape scale volunteer planting on Coronet Peak Station
Corporate planting volunteers
2024 – Slope Hill Reserve takes centre stage
What if we could travel back to 2014 at Lake Hayes South, interrupt the Trustees as they planted 800 native shrubs and tell them that soon enough they’d be working on a plan to plant 30,000 trees just over the hill? It’s hard to believe! But that’s exactly what we’ll be working on as we celebrate ten years. We were the fortunate recipients of a game-changing grant from the Hilton Global Foundation, specifically for the revegetation of Slope Hill Reserve. Combined with another big donation of trees for He Rā Rākau Tītapu – King Charles III Coronation Plantings, 2024 will certainly be one for the history books!
Slope Hill 2019 before planting
Slope Hill toda
Our happy place – Inside the Jean Malpas Community Nursery
At the heart of our planting operations is a sun-soaked spot at the end of Kelvin Peninsula. Here, each week on a Wednesday, people from all parts of the world and all walks of life meet to work towards a shared goal: growing native plants to restore biodiversity to key sites around Whakatipu Basin.
The Jean Malpas Community Nursery was established in 2014 and nowadays 10,000 plants each year are nurtured from eco-sourced seed here until they are ready to be planted out at our sites.
Catherine Robb is our Nursery Volunteer Coordinator and each Wednesday morning from 9.00am to 12.00pm she hosts volunteers who carry out all the tasks involved in propagating plants, maintaining seedlings and generally taking care of the nursery site.
There’s always plenty to do – from “potting on” seedlings (separating and putting them in larger pots) to weeding the growing plants, washing equipment and helping our chief seed collector and plant propagator Helen in the propagation shed.
Anyone is welcome to turn up at a nursery session – it’s drop-in style – and stay for as long as they’re able.
Jen Seed has been volunteering regularly since she moved to Queenstown six years ago. “I look forward to it and if I’m in town, I make sure that I can go because it really is an enjoyable experience. It’s a great way to meet like-minded people, and feel good knowing you’re contributing to a better environment.”
Out of the nursery sessions, many a friendship has sprouted along with the ‘Cop prop’ seedlings (nursery-speak for Coprosma propinqua), kōwhai, beech and hebes. “The people that go care about the environment and in that sense they are like-minded,” says Jen.
But it’s also the learning that keeps Jen coming back. “I’ve learnt a lot more in general about plants, and also because I’m from the North Island, the native plants up there are very different, they’re more subtropical. So I’ve started to appreciate plants like matagouri.”
Working alongside the very knowledgeable people who volunteer at the nursery is a bonus for anyone interested in plants or who want to learn more about the unique native flora of this region.
“You’re learning something different from doing it in your garden, working at scale. We’re always learning – things like that beech trees do much better if you’ve got some of the fungi in with it, and that the tiny beech seedlings do better in bunches than separated into root trainers. That’s something we trialled this year.”
In addition to the learning that goes on, the sessions serve as a connector for all kinds of people in the community. Some are visitors looking for a different experience of local life, others are new arrivals looking to meet like-minded people or sole business operators and freelancers taking a break from the laptop to “touch green” for an hour or two. There are horticultural students who visit as well as retirees and parents with kids.
These individuals may well be joined by students on our Educate for Nature programme or a local business who have come along as part of a team-building experience or community activation day.
So if you’re thinking of joining in, don’t be shy– as Jen says, “there’s always a good conversation to be had,” amongst our eclectic group of green thumbs. Or if you’re interested in bringing along a work or school group, feel free to get in touch by emailing Karen on
We’re incredibly grateful for our wonderful volunteers. Without their dedication, the nursery’s success simply wouldn’t be possible!
What’s happening at Slope Hill?
Thanks to some generous contributions this year, work towards a shared vision of restoring biodiversity to the site is gaining serious momentum. (check out our video here)
The Slope Hill Recreation Reserve, between Slope Hill Road and Wai Whakaata-Lake Hayes, is a 33ha area of DOC land that has recently been retired from grazing.
Cyclists passing through on the Countryside Trail currently see the early stages of a biodiversity restoration project on a tributary leading to our wonderful Wai Whakaata-Lake Hayes, where WRT first began restoration work in 2019. An extensive section of willow has been removed all the way downstream to the reserve boundary, with adjacent neighbours removing willows downstream to the bridge too.
While they do look pretty in autumn, willows are problematic in our waterways because they channelise the water and suppress the growth of indigenous wetland plants. Those deciduous leaves and their large root systems can also congest creeks and streams.
In their place, our volunteers planted over 7,500 native riparian plants to help slow and filter the stream water and to soak up excessive nutrients – the transformation is already striking. As a tributary of Mill Creek that in turn runs into Lake Hayes, these riparian plants are now working to purify the water on its way toward the lake. Through Jobs for Nature funding, Mana Tāhuna is continuing the planting in this zone, in addition to other awesome mahi they’ve undertaken in the catchment to improve the health of the lake.
If you’re on the Countryside Trail today though, and pause to look beyond this riparian strip towards the top of Slope Hill, you’ll see a barren grass paddock, a part of the Trail to rush past rather than enjoy. Thanks to some game-changing grants and collaboration with other local organisations, that view will soon look very different!
In 2024 two significant projects will see a further 30,000 native trees and shrubs planted to kick off the revegetation of the hill above the stream that connects the Slope Hill cycle trail to Lake Hayes.
King Charles III Coronation Planting – 19-22 March, 2024
King Charles is well-known for his love of gardening and passion for conservation. So to celebrate the King’s coronation, the New Zealand government made a donation of $1 million to Trees That Count to allow the planting of over 100,000 native trees in He Rā Rākau Tītapu – King Charles III Coronation Plantings.
We were fortunate to be given funding for 7000 trees from Trees That Count for Slope Hill Reserve. Additionally, Simplicity Kiwi and Patagonia NZ are also supporting the effort with some generous co-funding.
WRT and Mana Tāhuna will again join forces to deliver a four-day community planting event involving local schools, businesses and community members.
Tuesday 19 March – schools
Wednesday 20 March – schools
Thursday 21 March – Tourism operators
Friday 22 March – Local businesses / sponsors / community
Keen to be involved? Email
Hilton Global Foundation Planting Project
Between August and October 2024, we will undertake our most ambitious planting project ever, made possible by a generous grant from the Hilton Global Foundation, and partnership with Mana Tāhuna Charitable Trust.
WRT will project manage the planting of 22,000 native trees and shrubs by the Mana Tāhuna crew, to put this in perspective, it would take 10 years of our usual community volunteer planting to achieve the same outcome.
This is a very exciting project to be involved in. We think in biodiversity ‘corridors’ when we plan for planting and Slope Hill Recreation Reserve is central to the corridor between Arrowtown and Lake Whakatipu. With careful planning and ongoing maintenance – the work doesn’t stop once the plants are in the ground – we will create a well-established, thriving habitat and food source for birds, lizards and invertebrates, resounding with the native bird song that is so integral to New Zealand’s identity.
There are of course, many other benefits to restoring native vegetation to the hillside including climate change mitigation, land stabilisation and the sequestration of 8138T of carbon over 50 years.
This will be one for the history books!
2022 Highlights & Achievements
2022 was an outstanding year for the Trust as we continue to work towards our vision of restoring the biodiversity of the Whakatipu Basin through revegetation projects, education, collaboration and advocacy.
Despite the ongoing interruptions caused by Covid 19, volunteers at our Community Nursery grew 10,282 native trees, shrubs & grasses, which were planted at our Keystone Sites, Community Group Sites & School sites, taking the total number to 70,416 natives planted since 2015.
The impact of our mahi is becoming more visibly evident as our sites become well established, with outstanding growth this year thanks to the wet spring and warm summer….
New to volunteering at native tree planting events? Here’s what to expect…
Volunteering at a community native tree planting event is a great way to take action to mitigate climate change, restore biodiversity & have a fun and social day out in nature with awesome, like minded people. If you are new to volunteering at native tree planting days, here’s a brief summary about what to expect on the day.
All of our planting dates and locations are listed on our website and facebook events. Parking is generally close to the planting site, with a green Whakatipu Reforestation Trust flag indicating you are at the right place! On arrival, you will be greeted by a team member wearing a hi-viz vest, and directed to the registration table, where you will be welcomed, sign-in, and receive a health and safety briefing.
From there, one of our volunteers will show you where to get any equipment you may need (shovel, gloves, fertiliser etc) and demonstrate how to plant a native tree. While we appreciate that many community members are avid gardeners, we do like to take the time to show each new volunteer how we plant natives to give them the best chance of survival in a non-garden setting. The demonstration includes:
How deep to dig each hole,
How much fertiliser to apply to each plant,
How to remove plants from the black plastic bags,
Placement of weed mats,
Installing plant guards and bamboo canes to protect plants from browsing rabbits (not all sites),
How to mulch,,
What to do with the bags once you have finished planting.
Then you are ready to get planting!! All of the plants, plant guards, bamboo stakes etc will have already been distributed around the planting site, so you can look around and find some plants that are ready to be dug in, and start digging and planting.
We reuse black plastic plant bags, so we ask volunteers to take care when removing the plants from the bags. The bags are collected throughout the morning (a great job for kids), and volunteers will fold these so they can be taken back to the nursery for washing.
So, that’s the technical side of things… but we all know that morning tea, including hot chocolate with marshmallows, is the real draw card for planting days!! We are very grateful to both the Hilton Queenstown and Crowne Plaza Queenstown for providing morning tea for our volunteers. Hot drinks and morning snacks are provided mid morning, and this is a great opportunity to take a rest, refill your water bottle, and chat with fellow volunteers.
Planting is generally finished by late morning. And once all of the plants are in the ground, we ask volunteers to help tidy up the site & return all of the planting equipment.
At our Whitechapel Reserve planting day, we wrap up the event with a community BBQ sausage sizzle (vegan and GF friendly of course!). It’s always an amazing feeling to look over the site once planting is complete, and appreciate how much has been achieved by our community of volunteers! Now is the time to pat each other on the back for a job well done!
Of course, the day would not be complete without loads of selfies and cool photos of plants for your socials! Please remember to tag us #whakatipureforestationtrust so we can check out your photos too!! We will also be taking photos throughout the event. If someone in hi-viz asks to take your photo, please feel free to either give them your best smile, or let them know if you would rather not have your photo taken. We respect that not everyone wants to end up in our FB and Insta posts!
We are excited about this upcoming spring planting season and are looking forward to working together to plant over 5000 native trees and shrubs throughout September.
No Trace Events – Be the change you want to see in the world.
Last year, Sebastian, Alejandro & Charlie – the founding partners of No Trace Events – visited our Community Nursery to learn about our history, our work and our vision. They had a fledgling idea to bring beautiful music to beautiful locations and to leave no trace, and they were on the lookout for community based conservation organisations that aligned with their values of sustainability and the environment.
As we wandered around the nursery, I shared the history of the Trust, and how we had grown from an idea to create a small native plant nursery supplying natives to a few sites around Queenstown. So too, No Trace Events, started as an idea borne out of Covid lockdown. At a time where it is easy to feel discouraged and cynical about the state of the world, Sebastian, Alejandro & Charlie are taking positive steps to create a better future. No Trace Events creates amazing parties that make me want to be in my 20s again! However, these parties have some not-so-subtle underlying themes. Firstly, they leave no trace – they use biodegradable wristbands at events, and drinks are either served in fully recyclable cans or reusable tumblers made from RPET that get cleaned and reused after each event. Secondly, 10% of all their profits are donated to conservation. In their first year, No Trace donated the equivalent of 504 native trees to WRT! They also support Kiwi Birdlife Park, as well as various ocean conservation groups including The Coral Gardeners, 4Ocean, Sea Shepherd and the Reef Alliance. This level of support speaks volumes to their commitment to make a real difference to land and sea conservation.
Additionally, No Trace has a strong focus on using their influence to educate their party goers. Early next year, they are planning a multi day music festival, which will be kicking off with a series of interactive environment / sustainability focused workshops. Not your average start to a music festival!
Last Autumn, the No Trace team joined us planting natives at Whitechapel Reserve. It was one of those memorably wet days, when really you just wanted to stay home! But despite the rain and wind, the team put on their raincoats and when planting was over they turned up the music to help us celebrate having planted 50,000 natives. It was great to have the additional fun and energy of music accompanying our community BBQ!
We at WRT are grateful that No Trace has chosen to support our work and vision. And we are proud of these young men who have chosen to walk the path of “being the change they want to see in the world.”
Educate for Nature – Nurturing Environmental Stewardship
Globally, awareness of climate change and the impact of biodiversity loss has sparked broad community interest in understanding what we can do locally to make a difference. At the very heart of making a difference is the underlying need for education to raise awareness across the generations, and the need to build a culture of stewardship / kaitiakitanga.
Our Founders and Trustees have always understood and valued the role of education and need for community engagement in order to achieve our vision of restoring Whakatipu’s biodiversity. Education was established as one of our four key pillars when the Trust first started in 2014. Through our Community Nursery in Jardine Park, we have hosted many school and community groups for hands-on learning sessionsabout native plants and the role they play in our environment.
In 2021, thanks to funding from the ORC EcoFund, we launched Educate for Nature, a unique, locally relevant, environmental education programme, that spans the generations from school aged children to adults. Educate for Nature is jointly delivered by two part time roles, our Education & Outreach Officer and Nursery Manager.
We are seeking partnerships / sponsorships from within our community to fully fund this programme and support us in achieving our vision. For more information about our learning programs and how to partner with us, please visit Educate for Nature on our website, or email us at
5000 Natives Planted This Autumn
This autumn, hundreds of volunteers planted 5,000 natives at our keystone and community group sites throughout the Whakatipu Basin from Arrowtown to Gibbston, Arthurs Point and more. Every one of these plants was grown by volunteers at our Community Nursery in Kelvin Heights, from eco-sourced seeds. An amazing effort by our nursery manager Barbara, and her wonderful team of volunteers who attend our nursery on Wednesday mornings to grow and nurture these precious plants.
We kicked off our planting season with 1500 natives at our Whitechapel Reserve keystone site in Arrow Junction. Despite the rain and cold, 80 volunteers joined us as we planted and celebrated a fantastic milestone of having planted 50,000 natives since 2015. Our amazing friends at the Hilton Hotel provided a delicious morning tea, including urns of freshly brewed coffee and hot chocolate with marshmallows! Awesome local company No Trace Events turned up the tunes for our BBQ lunch! We also had heaps of spot prizes donated by local businesses and supporters. Huge thanks to these local business!
At Bush Creek 600 natives were planted, extending our coverage at this new site along the walking / cycling trail behind the Chinese Village. Lake Hayes South is looking fantastic, with 400 natives planted up to the fence of private land. Everyone was amazed by the growth and high survival rate at this site, with last years plants literally bursting upwards! A big thank you to our volunteer Hans, who works away quietly maintaining this site.
Our final planting day was at our riparian site beside the cycle trail off Slope Hill Road, along the unnamed tributary of Mill Creek. 1000 natives were planted by 60 volunteers (many in gumboots) on what started off as a frosty morning, but turned into a warm, sunny day. The awesome team at Crowne Plaza Queenstown provided a delicious morning tea, and we finished our day with a community BBQ. A special thank you to our volunteers Tom & Helen for their work in maintaining this and other sites, and especially for their efforts in preparing this site for planting.
Our community groups continue to amaze and inspire us with their hard work and dedication. All of our community sites are looking fantastic, and are worth visiting to see how these groups are transforming once weed infested land to diverse native plantings. At Alpine Retreat, the community reports return of native birdsong, where just a few years ago there was only the silence of wilding pines forest. To date 1500 natives have been planted and an active predator trapping program is in place. Morning Star Reserve (KAPOW) planted a further 350 natives this autumn. Gibbston Reserve on Coal Pit Road just completed their second planting of 150 plants into hard ground. However the natives planted last spring are growing vigorously, and the community are doing a fantastic job at maintaining this area. We acknowledge the hard work and dedication of all of our community groups!!
The end of planting season is not time for us to rest on our laurels! Our nursery will be moving to winter volunteer hours of 12.00-3.00pm from 19 May. And we are already planning our spring planting campaign, with dates published on our website and FB.
Finally, we thank every one of our sponsors and donors, large and small. Our impact and success completely relies your ongoing support and generosity. If you would like to make a donation or talk to us about how you can support our work, please feel free to contact us.
Ngā mihi nui. The WRT Team.
Lake Hayes South Cleanup – Thank you PP Group
Last Friday, the Patterson Pitts Group survey team spent their day volunteering at Lake Hayes South. Despite a wet, cold start, the team worked with energy & enthusiasm to clear & prepare our upcoming planting area! They dragged logs and branches up onto massive piles on the flat section by the road.
Additionally, part of the team spent their day on scrub bars, clearing the weeds around the established natives. It was an immense team effort and the transformation speaks for itself! Our most heartfelt thanks to Stephen Popenhagen and his team for a choosing to volunteer with WRT, and for a job well done!
Lake Hayes South is one of our premier Keystone Sites, highly visible as you drive towards Lake Hayes Pavillion. WRT started planting here in 2015, and to date over 5000 natives are thriving at this site. A further 400 natives are ready to be planted by volunteers on Saturday 24th April.